Spinach frozen yogurt


  • 2 cups non-fat Greek yogurt-100 gm
  • 1 large frozen banana-100 gm
  • 2 cups spinach - 50 gm
  • HINEX DM - 50 gm (4 scoops)
  • Sunflower seeds and chia seeds for garnishing
  • Dark chocolate chips (optional) for garnishing
Total energy 487 kcal
Carbs 25.25 gm
Proteins 65.72 gm
Fats 14.70 gm
Spinach frozen yogurt Spinach frozen yogurt


  • In a blender or powerful food processor, blend the yogurt, banana, spinach and HINEX DM together until it becomes very smooth paste.
  • Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray and freeze. Once completely frozen, blend the smoothie cubes until ice cream-like!
  • Add chia seeds and roasted sunflower seeds
  • Add chocolate chips on top and serve as healthy dessert.


  • Image Greek yogurt is packed with probiotics, which keeps gut healthy and improves digestion.
  • Image Spinach an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folate as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron and vitamin B2.
  • Image Sunflower seeds are high in proteins and rich in